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Flextan UHF

  • Water, chemical aggression and high temperatures resistance
  • Fixing methods: placed in a hem, heat-sealed directly to the textile.
Dimensions Applicable surface Memory Reading distance Temperature
80 x 9 x 0.4mm No metal Ucode8: EPC 128bits, TID 96bit 2.5m -45°C to 220°C

FT-1002 Flex Tag

  • Resistant to high pressure and high temperature cleaning processes, dustproof
  • Attachment: wrapped around any object, or embedded into concrete, wood, fiberglass, composites, compression, or injection molds, etc
Dimensions Applicable surface Memory Reading distance Temperature
179 x ø 3,12mm On / off metal Alien Higgs3 EPC: 96 bits, USER: 512 bits, TID: 64 bits 6m -50°C to 100°C
GlassTube HF BF
Glass Tube Herd

Glass Tube

  • Effectiveness of animal identification and traceabilitý domestic/bovine/cattle.
  • Proven biocompatibility
  • Custom dimensions
Dimensions Applicable surface Memory Reading distance Temperature
3.85x31.5mm, 12x2 mm, 13x3mm, 1.4 x 9mm, D2.12x12mm, 4x34mm D3x15mm Animal Depends on the chip 0,02m -40°C to +80°C

AX'Tag Urban

  • Integration in concrete and asphalt
  • Ultra-resistant
Dimensions Applicable surface Memory Reading distance Temperature
66 x 28 x 18mm Concrete Alien Higgs-3 EPC: 96 bits (up to 480 bits), USER: 512 bits, TID: 64bits 1,5m -20°C to +60°C


  • Thin, transparent tags for use in non-metallic environments
  • Available in LF (125Khz) and HF (13.56 MHz) versions
Dimensions Applicable surface Memory Reading distance Temperature
D20mm, D22mm, D25mm, D26mm, D27mm Off metal Depends on the chip Depends on the chip Depends on the chip
AX'Tag Viking XS UHF Small Rfid Tag

AX'Tag Viking XS

  • Petite taille (D<13mm)
  • Shock resistance
  • Easy integration into small metal equipment (glue)
  • Customization by engraving
Dimensions Applicable surface Memory Reading distance Temperature
12.6mm x 4.5mm, Thickness: 4.5mm Metal Alien Higgs3 EPC: 96 bits, USER: 512 bits, TID: 64 bits Up to 1m -20°C to +80°C

Some applications:

Examples of applications:

  • Identification and traceability in several areas such as: manufacturing, transportation, handling, maintenance, equipment, safety …